
High expectation vs False hope

I'm currently facing a sort of weirdo probs. Whether it's just a fantasy or reality. But I feel so..
I dunno where start coz i have no idea what's been happened with me, myself. I wonder why i could be this dumb, so obsessive, so absurd. All i know is we started off incredible, evenmore my pals said confidently that my "young wishes" could be granted right away. It's like "Who would have ever knew that we'd be more than friends?" Hahahaha.

Who aint glad to hear that? No one! But it made me expecting more, more, and more.
At first i thought so, coz it's like u pointed every signs straight to me.
It's been 15552000 seconds i've been waiting for, i've been wasting on, i've been expecting more.

So, lemme get this straight. U were leading me on, keeping me waiting for something that wasn't there, letting me get my hopes up for u, acting like u cared, and allowing me to start liking u more and more everyday coz u didnt wanna hurt me????? U're never gonna know what it's like.

I was wondering what what's better known as.. Me with high expectation or u with ur false hope.
I do really know whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly, so if it's the best for u to walk away, i don't mind. And i do know i just cant take a more step towards u coz all that's waiting is regret.
Who would have known how bitter this would taste??
U seemed kinda distant lately,  though i know what's wrong how could i be so sure if u never say watcha feel?
But thx for teaching me not to get my hopes up easily, to accept the reality with sincerity no matter how worst it is, and for the 12012012 (:

U can't bandage the damage. U never really can fix my heart.


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