
Rising gas prices aren't as bad as you think

Ok guys topik pembicaraan kita hari ini adalah..topik yg memang lg ramai dibicarakan org2, terutama kaum wanita yg paling ngerasain impactnya :p
But first of all, i wanna show you the fuel prices in some countries as comparison.

1. Turki (US$9,89)
2. Norwegia (US$9,63)
3. Belanda (US$9,09)
4. Italia (US$8,87)
5. Portugal (US$8,82)
6. Yunani (US$8,62)
7. Swedia (US$8,50)
8. Belgia (US$8,41)
9. Prancis (US$8,38)
10. Denmark (US$8,22)
11. Hong Kong (US$8,15)
12. Finlandia (US$8,12)
13. Inggris (US$8,06)
14. Irlandia (US$8,05)
15. Jerman (US$7,96)
16. Israel (US$7,67)
17. Slovakia (US$7,61)
18. Slovenia (US$7,60)
19. Malta (US$7,44)
20. Hungaria (US$7,21)
21. Swiss (US$7,19)
22. Spanyol (US$7,06)
23. Austria (US$7,03)
24. Republik Ceko (US$6,97)
25. Lithuania (US$6,94)
26. Siprus (US$6,88)
27. Latvia (US$6,83)
28. Luksemburg (US$6,81)
29. Korea Selatan (US$6,77)
30. Selandia Baru (US$6,73)
31. Estonia (US$6,70)
32. Jepang (US$6,70)
33. Rumania (US$6,70)
34. Polandia (US$6,67)
35. Bulgaria (US$6,53)
36. Australia (US$6,31)
37. Singapura (US$6,29)
38. Cile (US$6,20)
39. Brasil (US$5,40)
40. Argentina (US$5,39)
41. Afrika Selatan (US$5,06)
42. India (US$5)
43. Filipina (US$4,87)
44. Kanada (US$4,76)
45. China (US$4,74)
46. Kolombia (US$4,72)
47. Thailand (US$4,42)
48. Pakistan (US$3,98)
49. Indonesia (US$3,68)
50. Rusia (US$3,47)
51. Amerika Serikat (US$3,29)
52. Meksiko (US$3,22)
53. Malaysia (US$2,36)
54. Nigeria (US$2,34)
55. Iran (US$2,15)
56. Uni Emirat Arab (US$1,77)
57. Mesir (US$1,24)
58. Kuwait (US$0,81)
59. Arab Saudi (US$0,45)
60. Venezuela (US$0,06)

Hmm awalnya gue ga nyangka ternyata Indonesia menempati urutan terbawah. Yup, that means Indonesia termasuk negara yang membandrol harga BBM cukup murah krn subsidi yg diberikan negara cukup tinggi. Tapi kenyataannya banyak juga masyarakat yang keberatan atas kebijakan ygdibuat oleh pemerintah baru2 ini. Well disini gue bukanlah yg pro atau yg kontra sih. Tbh, gue juga agak keberatan krn hampir semua harga kebutuhan pokok naik. Yaah sometimes gue ngeliat nyokap dan temen2nya agak ngeluh gitu apalg skrg ini menjelang bulan Ramadhan. Dan bahkan harga jajanan gue pun ikut naik Rp 1000,-. Jadi walaupun uang saku gue naik seiring dengan melonjaknya harga jajanan means nothing. This is not cool..
Tapi gue ambil hikmahnya aja dibalik semua ini :') why the hell did i just say so?
1. Kebijakan pemerintah yang satu ini sebenernya mendukung program diet kaum wanita krn harga jajanan pun turut naik
2. Gue semakin deket sama keluarga......sebelum sibuk kuliah. Knp dip? Ya.. gue bakal jarang keluar rumah dan prefer to stay at home untuk hemat bensin. Apalagi kalo macet boros bensin banget -_-
3. Mudah2an bisa menguranigi kemacetan lalu lintas
4. Aksi GO GREEN semakin di gerakkan. Gue yakin, krn naiknya harga bbm org2 (mostly sih the youth) lebih prefer untuk berspeda atau berjalan kaki untuk jarak yg ga terlalu jauh. Tapi sayangnya, fai
5. I think this is the best impact for us. Kita bisa lebih hemat guys! Kalo gue pribadi sih, gue tuh tipe org yg laper mata gitu. Jadi sometimes i buy stuffs i dont even need..sounds mubadzir sih. Namanya juga abg wkwkwk. Tapi that's why, gue jd bisa mengurungkan niat gue untuk membeli sesuatu yg gak gue butuhin. Lebih baik ditabung buat beli ipod baru yang di curi maling, kan? :')




I can't even describe how much I hate him! Annoying little piece of shit.
He just acts all nice whenever he needs something and as soon as he gets what he wants, he start cursing me. Sometimes I fantasize about killing him with my own hands.
It's so frustrating to be forced to be nice to him and whenever I talk back, they get angry at me when in fact they know I'm right. I hate em for spoiling him so much.
I know it's awful to say but I wouldn't care anymore.
He dirties up the house, and she expects me to clean his dishes and take care of him. WTF
He's physically and verbally abusive sometimes.
And on top of that he's the most ungrateful, rude, miserable bastard you could ever imagine.
I can't really avoid him. I can't speak up or he'll shut me up in any way he can. But I can't move, for various reasons.


A comfortable relationship

A boyfriend shouldn’t just be a boyfriend. To have it happier and more worthwhile, he should also be your very best friend.

True that. I found it all in you. How lucky i am to meet someone like you and how lucky you are to have me *fair enough*. I never thought that we could be in love because you were too busy with your life and i was busy with mine. I didnt pay your attention and so did you. I was just your close friend who always helped you whenever you want me to. I gave you some teen advice about relationships, love, dating, friendship, and so many others lol
You're such an unexpected special gift i've been looking for because i suck at love i know. Guys chase on me but leave me for no apparent reason and go regardless.Yeah...who cares? :-|
I learned many things from my ex tho. How to love, how to feel, how to stay true, how to cherish every moment, how to appreciate, how to respect, how to fight, how to survive, how to be honest, how to be mature, how to...whatsoever.
I hope my experiences in past teach me how to live better with you right now. I dont really want an ending lol sounds like complete bullshit but i guess it's true.
I just wanna stay focused on the present because i'm about to start college. I just wanna study, use time wisely, manage everything well, so i can be success as soon as possible, get the best career, make my parents and also whole family proud of me. And umm so that i dont wanna find anyone else because i'm sick about bad romance and frustrating drama who makes me down and drown. Why finding? What i've been looking for is mine.

I think we are all just looking for that one person that we can be ourselves around, that one person who will love you and accept who you are, your silly awkward side and your serious side too. We're all just looking for that “comfortable relationship” you know? You dont care what you're doing because as long as that one special person is next to you then you're happy, whether it’s going out or just having a lazy day at home, you cherish all these moments with them because that special person is one you enjoy seeing and being around everyday, that person is someone you can turn to with all your problems and they will be there for you through it all. Every conversation, hug, kiss, or whatever you always look forward to because you truly love them and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s that relationship thru whatever happens you're going to stick by there side and support them. It’s simply that “comfortable relationship” where you can be yourself and not be afraid of them judging you, after all love is acceptance of one another regardless of flaws or anything else.



Between dream and reality

i'm the lucky one..never thought about this before like "omg i shud win this!". never ever..
i was like yeah if its meant to be it will be.
while being so damn sick cuz my ipod has been stolen, I Thank God for another gift instead...


Thief should die in funny ways

Hari ini, tanggal 10 Juni 2013 my ipod was officially stolen by fuckin dumbass thief yg no heart banget. Stole my own stuff yg menurut gue sangat amatttt berhargaaaa cuz i cant live without it, idk how my life would be without it. It's part of me. And it's gone. That's why i feel like something in me is missing. SERIOUSLY!
Why oh whyyy harus mencuri sesuatu milik innocent gurl seperti gue ini?! :'(
I left my ipod inside my car while i bought something at minimarket. Gak lama kemudian alarm mobil gue bunyi, gue keluar buat cek pintu kemudi krn gue pikir td gue ga bener tutup pintunya-_- lalu gue masuk lagi, terus alarmnya bunyi yg kedua kalinya. Gue keluar dan cek pintu bagasi dan pintunya kendor (estimasi gue, ini yg bikin alarm gue bunyi trs). Lalu gue masuk lagi dan ga bunyi lagi.. Dan gue baru kepikiran ipod pas gue di kamar, rasanya mau ambil ipod yg gue kira di mobil. But gue mager jadiii gue ga ambil. An hour later gue jemput ade gue, dan baru sadar pas udh sampe di sekolah ade gue. So? yaudah. ilang.
HMM some questions hit my mind.
1. Dont u know GOD does exist?
2. Dont u know GOD sees everything?
3. Lo tau ga sih azab itu ada?
4. Lapangan pekerjaan di negara ini udah habis?
5. Lo ga pernah memposisikan diri lo sebagai seorang victim yg gak berdosa, kehilangan sesuatu yg bahkan  
6. Lo ga sedih memberikan uang haram untuk keluarga lo? Untuk diri lo sendiri sih bodo amat~
7. Apa yang lo rasain kalo kelak anak lo bakal jadi maling?
8. Lo ga malu tangan yang Tuhan kasih untuk lo digunakan buat MENCURI, MENCURI, DAN MENCURI?
9. Apa yang membuat orang2 berani mencuri bahkan jumlahnya semakin meningkat? Modus2nya pun semakin beragam

Mom cuma bisa blg "sabar kak, ikhlasin aja. ambil hikmahnya.." yes mom but it's not that easy for me.
And thanks a lot for my beloved ones who's really concerned about me yg drtd nangis terus, called me and asked if everything was ok, cheered me up. Yaah.. gue terhibur but deep inside, gue sedih bgt </3
Well sebenernya gue gamau doain yang bagus2 buat itu maling, tapi i concern about people. Smg that fuckin thief mules2 sampe malaikat izrail menjemput. At least kalau you mati, pencuri berkurang satu kan? he-he.


Oh Baby

haha no goals by making this video anyways, just had a lotta fun with my gurl doin what we used to do together, in a public place. problem? >:O


Me ft 2guys







Yesterday my two best friends came to my home and made some videos. I enjoyed all we did indeed.It's sucha good time spending time with beloved ones, senatria and ashief.
And after they went back home, i wondered and will always wonder i think how my life would be when they have to leave this town and study while im just staying here and studying in a big city.
These memories are playing like a film without sound. All the times we had together and as our lives come whatever, we'll still be friends forever.

You complete me and that's no lie
You are my tuxedo and i'm your bow tie
You need a hand and i'm right there right beside you
You in the dark i'll be the bright light to guide you
Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you.